A section of Makueni County Assembly (MCAs) members led by County Assembly Speaker Stephen Ngelu have castigated Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jnr and two MPs...
Members of the Makueni County Assembly made unnecessary foreign trips that cost the County Government Sh27M in the 2013/2014 financial year.
A report released by...
Members of the Makueni County Assembly and the executive led by Governor Kivutha Kibwana put aside their differences and passed the 2015/2016 budget without...
Majority of residents from Matiliku, Makueni county want the county dissolved over what they termed as irreconcilable differences between Governor Kivutha Kibwana and Members...
Last week, Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana, while testifying before the commission looking into the possible dissolution of the county said that he could not...
Commission of Inquiry on Dissolution of Makueni County Chair Mohammed Nyaoga (right) and Commissioner Taib Ali Taib during the hearing at KICC
Makueni Governor...
Makueni speaker Stephen Ngelu has accused the media of fueling the wrangling between Governor Kivutha Kibwana and Members of the County Assembly (MCAs).
Speaker Ngelu...
Commission of Inquiry on Dissolution of Makueni County Chair Mohammed Nyaoga (right) and Commissioner Taib Ali Taib during the hearing at KICC
Personal differences...
Makueni Speaker Stephen Ngelu and Leader of Majority Francis Munyao conspired to use abroad trips and house committees as dangling carrots to buy royalty...