Monday, March 3, 2025


Corruption in Kenya: How Graft is Chocking Kenya

Corruption in Kenya is systemic. One of the institution that allegedly fuels it is Parliament. In addition, most of the elected and appointed leaders have been adversely named in various reporting casting aspersions on their integrity. However, they still...

Corruption in Government: An Insider’s Perspective

From #CheckenGate to #TyreGate, now PAC, Kenya, lately, seems to latch from corruption scandal to corruption scandal. Just when the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) appears to be awakening from its slumber by finally bringing the culprits of the...

Internet and law in Kenya

The rise in the use of the internet in Kenya has increased the need to learn about the do's and dont's when engaging through the various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Linkedin and Instagram among others to...

Kenyans to Al Shabaab: Please blow up our Parliament

By Kenya Monitor Contributor It’s no secret that most Kenyans don’t like their Members of Parliament. Their constant bickering, unwarranted salary hikes, corruption and chronic absenteeism means that there is precious little affection to go around for MPs. It appears...

Using art to engage on the Constitution

Art is becoming a pervasive and acceptable form of expression in Kenya, a reality that if well utilized, offers a great opportunity to learn and unlearn some otherwise hard concepts like the Constitution. Lack of understanding and readership of...

Blogging needs no Regulation

Bloggers and journalists came together yesterday (18th February 2015) at the iHub to discuss whether bloggers should be regulated. The forum also discussed some differences (if any) between journalism and blogging, and therefore how the Government and regulatory bodies should handle them (the...

Jukumu Letu Campaign launched in Nairobi to roll out in 47 Counties

Last week on Saturday 10th January, was the launch of the much anticipated Jukumu Letu country wide campaign to sensitize Kenyans on the need for every citizen to understand and participate in the implementation of the Kenyan Constitution. This is...

To Dehumanize others is to Dehumanize Ourselves

We cannot violate another person’s humanity without violating our own. This realization led to the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the General Assembly on December 10, 1948. We marked 68 years this week since then,...

The New Constitution Offers Citizens Not Only Rights But Also Responsibilities

The New Constitution was promulgated on 27 August 2010. The image that is probably etched on most Kenyans’ minds from this period is the former president, Mwai Kibaki, holding the constitution up with a grin on his face with...

The Mirage of Constitutional Participation In Kenya

Some commentators have referred to Kenya’s 2010 constitution as the most progressive constitution sub-Saharan Africa has ever seen. Well, that might sound a little bit like a hyperbole but the Kenyan constitution lays the perfect foundation for a constitutional...

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