Sunday, March 2, 2025


Uganda tourism board holds roadshow to attract more tourists from Kenya

Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) is seeking to partner with Kenyan tour operators to boost intra-African tourism between the two East African countries with a focus on encouraging more tourists from Kenya to explore the natural, adventure, leisure, and business...

Canon Partners up with Ishara Mara to Launch a Canon Experience Center in Kenya

Canon Central and North Africa have partnered with Ishara Mara to launch the Canon Experience Centre in Kenya, in an announcement earlier this week, The partnership is dedicated to supporting the education and empowerment of people in the region. Canon’s...

Media owners, Editors guild and Media council to host presidential debate a head of August polls

The Media Owners Association of Kenya, Media Council of Kenya and the Kenya Editors Guild have partnered to launch the Presidential debate 2022. The venue  and the exact date of the event will be announced later by the three parners. The...

Kenya upholds law on FGM

It is still illegal to carry out Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) on women after the High Court of Kenya on Tuesday 29th June 2021, voted to uphold the ban on the harmful practice. The move was necessary after a female...

Culture among the sectors badly affected by Corona pandemic- UNESCO

90% of countries were forced to close or partially close their World Heritage sites at the height of the Corona pandemic. In 2020, a 66% drop in site visitations and a 52% decline in revenues at surveyed sites were...

The Social Cost of the Pandemic

By Jacob Kinyua.  It is no surprise that Merriam-Webster has named Pandemic as the word of the year. The term seems too familiar when used today and we all know what it means. But that was a different case...

How Kenyans are coping during a pandemic

By Wendi Ndaki The Coronavirus was first detected in Kenya on the 12th of March 2020. I remember I was at a scriptwriting training in Baraza Media Lab, Nairobi on that day when one of our facilitators broke the news...

Using Digital Tools to Promote Good Governance in Bungoma County

By Job Kiniale Kenya has a long and interesting political history. This history has shaped our democracy, governance, rule of law, our social-economic life, and politics. Come 2010, Kenyans ushered in a new constitution that offered hope in modernizing our...

Why organizations should pay and train their interns

By George Githinji In the last few years, organizations claim that the current groups of graduates are unemployable. They make further claims that universities and other tertiary institutions of learning are churning out ‘half-baked’ graduates whose needs are out of...

Youths in Isiolo shifting from pastoralism to modern agriculture

By Malachi Motano The harsh economic times and the attempts to fight food insecurity are making nomadic communities in Isiolo County shift from herding to crop production. This is thanks to Isiolo River that has provided water for irrigation. Some young men...

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