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HomeNairobiBinyavanga Wainaina takes on Safaricom

Binyavanga Wainaina takes on Safaricom

Binyavanga Wainaina has no love for Kenya's biggest mobile service provider Safaricom (Photo/blogs.bookforum.com)
Binyavanga Wainaina has no love for Kenya’s biggest mobile service provider Safaricom (Photo/blogs.bookforum.com)

Award winning Kenyan author Binyavanga Wainaina has gone on a no holds barred twitter rant against the country’s biggest mobile service provider Safaricom accusing it of abusing its position as a virtual monopoly. In a tirade sprinkled with some unprintable words of the F-word variety, the celebrated author of the memoir One Day I Will Write About This Place lambasted Safaricom for making billions in profit while caring little for its customers.


The author seemed particularly aggrieved by how the mobile service provider runs its services suggesting that they could be more transparent.

A fair few Kenyans agreed with Binyavanga that Safaricom is shortchanging its customers.

The author also gave social justice advocates like Boniface Mwangi and Patrick Gathara some grief for apparently being soft on Safaricom.

Binyavanga also twitted of his own brush with Safaricom’s influence machine. Tucked in between his twitter rant is a revealing tweet that shows the lengths Safaricom will go to buy influence. Bob Collymore’s predecessor at Safaricom Michael Joseph apparently once offered him half a million shillings to write a puff piece for Safaricom in Kwani magazine.

If you’re still in doubt about how Bunyavanga feels about Safaricom, here’s a video of him setting his Safaricom model aflame.

Convinced yet?

brain obara
brain obarahttps://www.monitor.co.ke
Brian Obara is a lawyer and writer and the Nairobi County Editor for Kenya Monitor.


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