There have been chaotic scenes on the streets of Nairobi on Monday morning after rains pounded the city for much of Sunday evening. Nairobians trying to get to work found themselves having to contend with flooded roads as a result of the city’s ineffective drainage system’s inability to keep up with the overnight deluge.
The Sunday night rains appear to have hit Nairobi’s South C area particularly hard with residents complaining that the torrents had turned roads into virtual rivers because of the poor drainage system.
South C has the poorest drainage ever!!! pic.twitter.com/yNuIbcv5Nj
— Akil Ahmed (@ItsElPoet) April 26, 2015
Lake South C pic.twitter.com/ZAYOklPUtW — Akil Ahmed (@ItsElPoet) April 26, 2015
And whose to blame for the ineffective drainage system? While some are quick to put the blame squarely on the shoulders of Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero, a few Nairobians feel that perhaps we shouldn’t look too far from ourselves.
This rains!Thats how we wade through floods and traffic in Nairobi @KideroEvans drums maji! pic.twitter.com/3f1zXMaVb5 via @ekegenga — Ma3Route (@Ma3Route) April 27, 2015
Do Not complain about drainage in Nairobi if you have ever littered the streets with a PK wrapper via @RobatMain_A
— Ma3Route (@Ma3Route) April 27, 2015
By Monday morning, some South C residents had christened the city’s newest geographical feature the “South Sea!”
@Ma3Route thats south C for you this morning. .. pic.twitter.com/JVuDoRlkzt
— Kabugo wa Ngugi M. (@kabugowangugi) April 27, 2015
Eti south C sasa ni south sea
— simon mwaura (@mwaura_simon) April 27, 2015
And what’s a sea without a cruise ship? Albeit of the of the “Sonko Rescue Team” variety.
Thanks to our senator for rescuing #southsea south sea pic.twitter.com/ysUd0cbstM
— Eddie Butita (@eddiebutita) April 27, 2015
It’s not all bad news though especially for Nairobi’s cart operators who have found business opportunities amid the chaos caused by the rains.
nairobi floods pic.twitter.com/ulr3wYVDGX via @GulfKavirondo
— Ma3Route (@Ma3Route) April 27, 2015
pic.twitter.com/mNLlbogKy4 via @GulfKavirondo
— Ma3Route (@Ma3Route) April 27, 2015
This rains!Thats how we wade through floods and traffic in Nairobi @KideroEvans drums maji! pic.twitter.com/3f1zXMaVb5 via @ekegenga
— Ma3Route (@Ma3Route) April 27, 2015
More updates to follow.
can be a little sritdent, but I don’t want to give the impression that I’m pressing for any kind of timeframe. If ORYR is actually visiting places like Indonesia, India, and Kenya, then I think this is a good thing. Folks who travel internationally have a much broader view of the world, and if they spend enough time outside the US they usually get a better perspective of where we fit into the overall scheme of things in the world. As an American expat living in SE Asia, I do have a bit of travel experience in the region, and I’m more than a little bit skeptical about the specifics of this “trip.” But I’m willing to give ORYR the benefit of the doubt. Once he’s done with his trip and he tells everyone what he learned, I’d just ask that he’d show entry and exit stamps for the countries he claims to have visited. Visas would be nice addition (with his name, passport number, and any machine readable information blacked out, of course), but the stamps alone would be enough to document his travels.
Sa citez un clasic in viata, pe H-R Patapievici: "Ce ma deprima cel mai mult este […] nesimtirea cu care practica si speculeaza trufia sutanei. Ei (preotii) santajeaza cu administrarea vietii de apoi. Acest comportament este sinistru."